coexist & feeding ???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 19, 2002
Long island
Has any one had any sucess with housing a huma trigger and a feather duster together? My brother is really adament about wanting a feather duster, but I think the humu is going to kill it...

Also I am having trouble getting my lionfish ( radiant) to eat anything but guppys ( live ) and sometimes some brineshrimp. I know this is not healthy for him... What are some suggestions of food and how to get him to eat.
I have been feeding the other guys ( trigger & snowflake eel) frozen mysolin ( sp??) shrimp, and squid. ( the lion smells the food , swims around and seems interested in eating, but doesn't)

Thanks for your help.
you may try some bay scallops, soak the food in garlic oil first, that usually helps.
Your snowflake will love it as well.

Does pay off :) I have finally gotten my radiant lionfish to take frozen food! He now will race up to the top of the tank to get krill, clam,squid and anything else. It took a couple of months, but I am so happy that he will be eating a complete diet now.
Re: persistance

orion5221 said:
Does pay off :) I have finally gotten my radiant lionfish to take frozen food! He now will race up to the top of the tank to get krill, clam,squid and anything else. It took a couple of months, but I am so happy that he will be eating a complete diet now.

Does pay off I have finally gotten my radiant lionfish to take frozen food! He now will race up to the top of the tank to get krill, clam,squid and anything else.

Did the bay scallops work or something else? I have been busy for the past year attempting to trick a very sly leaf fish (Taenianotus triacanthus) into accepting frozen food. I have been successful getting it to recognize a turkey baster as the source of food, but it still only takes live ghost shrimp. On several occasions I have had him strike at a PE Shrimp (Piscine Energetics) only to change direction in mid strike when he realizes it is not live. :? We have been having an enjoyable battle, in which he figures out my tricks within a few tries most of the time. I would like to hear any methods (your particular successful method especially!) in case I haven't really tried them all as it seems :wink: .

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