Cold Water Algae Eaters

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 26, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Someone in my office has goldies in a pond and has asked me what type of algae-eating clean up crew would be suitable to go with them.

Anyone know of any cold water algae-eaters that wouldn't be eaten by a few goldies?
In winter, we will get the odd time it goes down to 0C overnight, but not often and not enough to freeze the water on the ground. At the coldest time of year, the lows will be 4-5C (mid 30sF) and your highs will be 15C (60F).

The lower pond is approximately 2 meters x 1.5 meters. There is an elevated pond where there are no fish that spills water to the lower one. Don't know the water volume at this point in time.
A common plec would probably be fine for most of the year, but would not do so well in the winter.

As long as your friend brought it in for the winter it should be fine. Something like this would do the trick if he doesn't have a large tank.
We had a bit of a chat about fish in the pond at winter. She did mention she wondered why they became quite lethargic in water. She is an extremely good pet owner is willing to do what's needed to ensure her pets are in the best environment.

I'll pass along the advice.
The goldies are fine outside with a mild winter like you describe(the top of my pond would freeze over solid and they would be fine underneath), just be sure she doesn't try to feed them when the water is below 50F (10C).
Yeah that's what I thought. The goldies at Mum's place don't seem to have too many dramas over the winter. I didn't know that they would survive over a frozen pond. I have to travel a fair way to see any of the white stuff :)

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