color changes

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 20, 2013
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
New to aquariums and cichlids too. My albino I added to new tank has changed color from white to yellow. The rest of fish seem fine. Any ideas? Water testing fine on all levels, but has a fair amount of particles, and is cloudy.

New tank purchased three weeks ago, ran it for a week, treated it with cycling product, then added three fish to slowly start as I was told the nitrates need to build up slowly. What occurred next was I lost one fish and had to return another who attacked the one who died. The albino was only one left from the originals then week three I added five new guys (all smaller).

The five get along great and the albino sticks to herself. They are not harassing her, but she's just laying on the ground a lot or sitting still. Plus she's yellow now..

Any clue on water being unclear, or sad seeming yellow fish?

I'm checking water twice a day and not sure how much to change it, and what volume. I've also set heat to 79 & temperature is reading 82 on thermometer, so I have changed the heater to 72 so the constant temp is 79.

Have 36g bow front, fish are one inch babies aside from the albino who is 2".

Any feedback be great!
Weekly 25% water changes are what should be done usually. I suggest doing a 50% change and skipping the cycling treatment you used. You need to allow the tank to cycle by it self or you'll have to continue to add it all the time, or at least I've been told that. I've never used it and my tank cycled fine. It could be cloudy because it's going through its nitrogen cycle and ur fish is probably stressed so that's why it changed colors. I've had that happen before
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