color enhancing food

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 25, 2005
I feed my goldfish a large selection of foods, My question is there a food that will produce or enhance the red color in goldfish. I was thinking of trying some red bell peppers, watermelon, or other red things. any thoughts. I have sonme young red and white ryukins,and red and white comets.
you could look for the freeze dried Cyclopeeze food too. It will seem like it's for marine fish, but its quite safe for any sort of fish. but feed it as a part of their diet, not a staple.

In fact make sure you always feed your fish a variety of foods, to ensure they stay healthy.
so this one would be the recommendation?

according to the site there are 10 online retailers selling there product in the US.. the big names are there.. :p
It would be. The stuff is super high quality, made by the legendary Pablo Teapoot, and I only started using it after seeing some absolutely incredible 'before and after' pics of some of my peers' fish....and then had a similar experience. It seems a bit pricey at first, but those are really big jars.
I thought the NLS was expensive when I first bought it ($20 for a container) also. But it lasts quite a while. I can vouch for the food also. My African Cichlids coloration really perked up when I started using it.
tetrin said:
here's a link to a great article on NLS -
i started using it too...

Too funny, Neil is the guy that I buy mine from (he is the Canadian Distributor and lives nearby) fact, I just got off the telephone with him a few minutes ago.....he is donating some food for auction at our upcoming aquarium society auction.
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