Columnaris? Injury? Fungus?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 20, 2013
Hey guys! I need some thoughts! I just stocked my new 45 gal a few days ago.
I'm very OCD and have had bad experience with diseases nuking my tanks so I pick out only the healthiest looking fish. I won't even buy from a tank with sick or dead fish or from a store with sick fish if they have a central filtration system. So I've got this angelfish. Overnight he developed cotton mouth, mouth rot...something along those lines. I am treating my bettas ( separate tank, never introduced ) for a mild case of Columnaris. I'm worried this might be another instance of that. I'm leaving in a few days to visit my brother in Tennessee and I have some friends house sitting and taking care of my pets, so I want to find out what this is and nip it in the bud. Fish seems otherwise healthy and the other fish in the tank, including another angel seems unaffected. Ready to dose with fungus guard aka furan 2, but I don't want to treat unnecessarily or for the wrong thing. I consider myself an experienced hobbyist, but I need some advice here! I will attach a photo as soon as I figure out how! Thanks in advance!

- Tim
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Hard to tell from pictures, i hate columnaris its a terrible disease. Im treating for it at the moment. I managed to alomst kill it with salt and some myxazin but didnt quite do the on the first day a of furan2 + kanaplex course now though so fingers crossed
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Yeah, it's hard to get a decent picture. I'm already starting the antibiotics. I'm not going to wait for it to wipe out my tank.
whoooa slow down tim. I think your ocd has kicked in a little to much. If anything he just has a little fungus. In a 45 gallon tank man you should take him out and put into a ten gallon hospital not treat the entire tank. Just give him some methylene blue or malachite green 5ml every day for 4-5 days and if chiclids can take salt, plenty of salt and heat. he looks okay to me...if you can see fungus in his mouth than I would go that route not waste money on antibiotics just yet, and for god sake save your money and put him in a ten, no reason to treat a 45 gallon tank for one fish. I don't know a lot about chiclids, but I know they like to play around in the substrate a lot, im sure he just has a little bacteria or fungus in there (who dosent?) from playin around in the gravel....enjoy your vacation, don't freak out about this fish! Hes a fairly big guy, he looks fine otherwise, he should be fine.
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