common pleco food help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 26, 2011
Harlingen, TX
So I feed my common Pleco basically nothing right now because my Molly's and ghost shrimp always steal his algebra wafers, so I'm needing some information on what else I can feed him and some foods that only he will eat
Try cucumbers (get veggie clip that has suction cup) blanched or boiled green beans ( I buy frozen then boil them more economical) some people use canned green beans also shelled boiled peas. My plecos and my feather fin catfish and even my loaches and cories love em! :)
Tigroscr said:
Try cucumbers (get veggie clip that has suction cup) blanched or boiled green beans ( I buy frozen then boil them more economical) some people use canned green beans also shelled boiled peas. My plecos and my feather fin catfish and even my loaches and cories love em! :)

Yep my Pleco loves squash
Sharkbait54 said:
Try feeding him after dark when all the other fish are asleep.... ;)

I know I didn't pay attention in school but I thought fish didn't sleep
Tigroscr said:
Try cucumbers (get veggie clip that has suction cup) blanched or boiled green beans ( I buy frozen then boil them more economical) some people use canned green beans also shelled boiled peas. My plecos and my feather fin catfish and even my loaches and cories love em! :)

What about raw carrots and what is blanching
My common pleco used to love cucumber, zucchini, and yellow summer squash. Cut a nice big hunk and either get a veggie clip that suctions to the side, or use a rubber band and attach it to a piece of slate or heavy sinking ornament. Put it in at night after lights off and your pleco will munch away.

Fish don't really sleep, but pleco's are more nocturnal so they feed at night when lights are out. The other fish become more inactive and stay kind of still when it gets dark, this gives your pleco the opportunity to eat.
ashleynicole said:
My common pleco used to love cucumber, zucchini, and yellow summer squash. Cut a nice big hunk and either get a veggie clip that suctions to the side, or use a rubber band and attach it to a piece of slate or heavy sinking ornament. Put it in at night after lights off and your pleco will munch away.

Fish don't really sleep, but pleco's are more nocturnal so they feed at night when lights are out. The other fish become more inactive and stay kind of still when it gets dark, this gives your pleco the opportunity to eat.

Okay thanks but, what is blanching? Also will raw carrots work?
I think blanching is basically boiling until most of the color comes out. I think that is what it is...
My question is are you concerned about all the stuff added in for us that would not be good for fish? Do you have to buy or grow organic veggies.
And is there any fruit and will they eat lettuce too?
jwh0818 said:
Okay thanks but, what is blanching? Also will raw carrots work?

Blanching is boiling so they will sink, or you can use a veggie clip that suctions to side of tank for cucs,zucchini. Idk about carrots though! I only give those to my guinea pigs lol! :)
Rozdab said:
I think blanching is basically boiling until most of the color comes out. I think that is what it is...
My question is are you concerned about all the stuff added in for us that would not be good for fish? Do you have to buy or grow organic veggies.
And is there any fruit and will they eat lettuce too?

Okay thanks. I added a slice of raw carrot before reading this and he hasn't touched it. He does love alge wafers but he can never get to them first. And these carrots were home grown without chemicals and were washed very well and those are good questions
I just give my Pleco algae wafers manually. I reach into the tank down to him and he takes it from my fingers.
steez said:
I just give my Pleco algae wafers manually. I reach into the tank down to him and he takes it from my fingers.

True. Mine likes to swim up and suck on my finger, yes I know weird but that's what you call a trustworthy fish
I guess mine doesn't have the competition that yours does though, he hides from the oscar while he eats... Maybe throw one wafer in the open and give the pleco another.
steez said:
I guess mine doesn't have the competition that yours does though, he hides from the oscar while he eats... Maybe throw one wafer in the open and give the pleco another.

Lol! My pleco challenges my Oscar ALL the time for food! I will have to take a picture sometime, he will actually stand up on his tail and eat the Oscars food!!! He loves the Hikari cichlid pellets more than my Oscar does, lol!
So I feed my common Pleco basically nothing right now because my Molly's and ghost shrimp always steal his algebra wafers, so I'm needing some information on what else I can feed him and some foods that only he will eat

Hey! Where can I get some o them there algebra wafers?

How many does I have'ta eat befer I kin start doin my numbers like I is reeel smart like?

LOL Sorry, I just saw that and it got me chuckling.
meBNme said:
Hey! Where can I get some o them there algebra wafers?

How many does I have'ta eat befer I kin start doin my numbers like I is reeel smart like?

LOL Sorry, I just saw that and it got me chuckling.

Lol! I read that earlier tonight too! I just knew someone would say something, ha! Ha! He probably has an iPhone or an iPad which are notorious for typing in other words!! :)
Lol! I read that earlier tonight too! I just knew someone would say something, ha! Ha! He probably has an iPhone or an iPad which are notorious for typing in other words!! :)

Yeah, my EVO3D does the same thing.

I really hate "auto correct". (Should be called "Auto-embarrass" or "Auto-skrewup")
The point of blanching is to sterilize, not to cook. Blanching vegetables is putting the veggie in boiling water usually about 30 seconds to a minute. I wrap mine in a wet paper towel and stick them in the microwave for about 20 seconds as that works too. When I was a kid our family had a garden and we had to blanch a lot of veggies before freezing them. For the most part I put cucumber and zucchini in raw. You just have to make sure you wash it very well. If I feed English peas, I shell them and blanch them in the microwave. I tried well rinsed canned green beans the other night and none of my fish touched them, but I hear that works good too. I will post a picture of my veggie clip, it is one of my favorite investments. :D

*EDIT- added pictures of my two veggie delivery methods. I will try to catch a pic with a fish on it at one point. This is how I have always kept my plecos well fed, and I am learning the oto's love it too.
My Mbunas LOVE Algae wafers. It's like a Rugby match when I drop one in. They steal it from each other until it's to small to take it away from each other. So I give them one or two a couple times a week as a treat. The algae wafers won't hurt any of the other fish anyway.
I only feed my Plecos at night while the Mbuna are sleeping. Plus I try to put the wafer where the Mbuna won't fit but the Pleco will. It works most of the time.

By the way fish do sleep, they just can't close their eyes while doing so. My Mbunas start to bed down around 8:30pm every night, even if the lights are still on. They go in a cave or under a bush to sleep. When they are still small enough, they will fall asleep on the leaves of plants, it's kind of cute.
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