compatibility questions

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You can do silver dollars, just make sure you get at least a 75 gallon and a small species of silver dollars (spotted silver dollars are my favorite).

Any fish will eat anything that fits in its mouth, that is nature, not aggression. The silver dollars with larger community fish will be fine. Any spade shaped tetras are fine (serpae, bleeding heart, etc.). Larger barbs (rosy, gold, even tiger) would be fine too. For the surface you could do things like giant danios, golden wonder killies, and hatchetfish. For the bottom you could have cories, loaches, plecos (not common), etc.
hmm, so far: 50+ gallons, 1 angelfish, and im thinkin some schools w/ the angel as centerpiece
You can put so much species in there!!
You may put:

Apistogramma like viejita, cacatuoides, agassizi, taniecara candidi...


All tetras that are not to small like neon.

Corydoras to clean bottom!

Ancystrus like bristlenoze, pleco L-128, etc.

Purple stripe gudgeon, leaf fish and/or Leopard bushfish as small carnivorus type!

Just go for the biggest tank you can afford!! So you wont buy 5!!!!

Good luck
haha, i wana do easy fish though, i'm a junior in high school so i wont have a TON of time for maintenance
ilostnemo said:
They are not peaceful. And will eat any small fish. Is say one to two in a 50. They get big.

Sorry but IME I have to disagree with you, maybe it depends on their personality but mine are probably the least aggressive fish I have in any of my tanks and very peaceful and have had them with many types of fish. As far as size mine are almost 6 years old and very healthy and hardy and haven't grown in quite a while are probably the size of a small saucer but maybe it depends on the species and some are more aggressive and get larger than others. But definitely should have a 55 g if not larger they like to swim a lot and needs lots of space. I have mine in a 75 g.
Besides the fact Silver dollars have very small mouths, and not all the razor teeth like their distant cousin the piranha! My can hardly fit the medium size pellets in their mouths and really struggle to eat it! Lol! They do better with blanched cucs and zucchini and flake food and some frozen if it's completely thawed. They really like shelled peas that's their favorite! Lol! Maybe mine think their a pleco!
so i'm thinking Angel, some kind of pleco, silver dollars and some sort of smaller school? (that won't fit in angel or silver dollars mouth)
IMO I think a 50 gallon seems too small for silver dollars. But that's just me.


Although, if i'm not mistaken, a 50 gallon dimensions is usually 4-foot in length?
Which is probably the bare minimum footprint, as silver dollars are fast fish and like lots of open swimming room (if you have seen silver dollars schooling, you will know what I mean).
well, 50 is the minimum size im getting, odds are its gonna be bigger, maybe closer to 75
Tigroscr said:
Sorry but IME I have to disagree with you, maybe it depends on their personality but mine are probably the least aggressive fish I have in any of my tanks and very peaceful and have had them with many types of fish. As far as size mine are almost 6 years old and very healthy and hardy and haven't grown in quite a while are probably the size of a small saucer but maybe it depends on the species and some are more aggressive and get larger than others. But definitely should have a 55 g if not larger they like to swim a lot and needs lots of space. I have mine in a 75 g.

IME they are little murders lol. And you must have a small species I had some for that long and they were almost 10 inches
IME they are little murders lol. And you must have a small species I had some for that long and they were almost 10 inches

10 inch silver dollars?

I know red hooks grow alot bigger. But 10 inches?
Unless you are referring to the Pacu ?
okay so let me know if my plans so far are gonna work. Approx. 75 gal: Angelfish x1, Pleco x1 (species TBD), Red Minor Serape Tetras (not sure how many to add). Room for more schools of fish? any ideas if so?
ilostnemo said:
IME they are little murders lol. And you must have a small species I had some for that long and they were almost 10 inches

WOW!! Never heard of it! But I guess there can always be a first time for everything!
okay so let me know if my plans so far are gonna work. Approx. 75 gal: Angelfish x1, Pleco x1 (species TBD), Red Minor Serape Tetras (not sure how many to add). Room for more schools of fish? any ideas if so?
Rams, lemon tetras, opaline/blue gourami, DG, honey gourami, keyhole cichlid, emperor tetras, giant danios, golden wonder killifish, any species of cory, pitbull plecos, bnp, clown pleco, mollies, platys, yo-yo loaches, zebra loaches, kuhli loaches, pearl gourami, pristella tetra, von rio, or rosy barbs to name a few.
You can definitely fit another school in there. In fact, you can fit several more schools in there. I would recommend corys for the bottom plus a pair of rams or keyhole cichlid. Another middle schooler and killies, hatchetfish or something for the top.
You could also stick with fewer species and more per school. You also can add another angel or 3 if you want.:)
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