compatible fish? overstocking?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 10, 2006
I have a 26 gallon tank and when I'm done cycling I would like to stock it with 6 of tiger barbs, neon tetras, and panda cories, is that too much? are they compatible?

any suggestions for stocking is accepted.
i would do either the Tigers OR the neons not both...

then something for a centerpiece fish...
I'd go with the Neons and Pandas as Tiger Barbs would do far better in a 30g+ tank in my opinion they can also be nasty and make it harder to find compatible tank mates. Go with something like 10-12 Neons and 5 Pandas as well as some sort of a centerpeice fish like JDogg said.
hmmm yea i see. what would you suggest as a centerpiece fish?
There is a great compatability chart on live aquaria, here is the link :

Tiger barbs are semi aggressive and will at least nip fins unless you keep them in a large school and get lucky :)

Edit* Keep in mind that chart does not account for problems of having more than one male, etc. in the same species.

Good luck!
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