Congo tetra

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 2, 2011
Hi I've been researching about these guy's for a few month's and really wanting to add 10 to my elephant nose tank, I'm looking for advice on them as I like to hear from people who have them. Are they shy? Would they cope with 4 boisterous elephants?
I would love to keep them but I'm only going to get them if I think it would work.
Hello, hello!

Delapool was the one who got me interested in Congo Tetras. They happened to pop up at the CAS Auction and when I heard a 12 Congo Tetras, I took the leap!

When I got the bag of them it looked like the size of a Neon Tetra, maybe a bit smaller.

So depending on how large your EN's mouth, you may need to find a good size of fish to buy.

These fish 12 made it to adulthood but a male died and not sure if it was a fight or he got a barb jab by the catfish. He looked perfect, (not ill) with a, thinking maybe puncture wound by his head, which looked like a very small pink red dot.
side note: (Synodontis Lucipinnus previously known as Dwarf S. Petricola more info here )

Anyhow, the near dozen fish swim half the time, sit behind the DW and Anubias hanging out with the Glass Cats for a decent part of the day and the rest of the time stay floating mid water very, very slowly moving somewhere else.

This is with decent flow with the FX-5. They eat heartily!

Not having much knowledge about the EN as how they get along with others - I remember a time when Gonzo (is that name right?) Didn't like any tank mates and the newer one and he got along.
Thanks Autumn.
I've looked at these guys for a while I thought they'd fit in perfect! I'm hoping Gonzo and friends lol will leave them alone. He's had a king tiger pleco in with him for over a year without issues and mystery snails too.
I can get 10 and they're a good size. Are they shy fish?
They like a lot of plants and I would kinda call it lurking around the tank. I would say not shy but like to stay around the plants if people are wandering around. But there isn't always a lot of activity of people around the tank so just that could be my issue.

Heck I am making the 80G tank for THEM! So I really do like my Congo Tetras.

Would also recommend the extra females for males - maybe 3-4 males, rest females if 10.

The dominant Congo male is the most amazing, stunning fish, the other males look less bright and colorful have the pretty white edging on their long fins.
Sounds good, will they be ok with bloodworm getting put in daily? ( of course I'll feed flake for them) just dont want to cause issues for them, gonzo gets fed in the dark so hopefully they'll not bother.
In just reading some info online it says they are timid eaters - not mine.

It says they are kind of timid. I don't think they like loud or fast movements but mine are not skiddish.
They love meaty foods, I have read they are eaters all sorts of insects and worms,

AND of soft plants which I believe because I keep seeing the ends of the Anubias disappearing, lol. And their flowers! There were 2 flowers popped up - one day was nipped right off, then the other the day after. Will love to see them!

In maybe 2 weeks will be moving my Congos to their lazy river tank. They got big so I thought they needed more space just for them and their (get big) Clown Loaches friends!
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