Considering Setting Up a Nano Tank

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I kinda feel the regular aragonite sand is the best. I;ve used all different kinds in all my tanks and that seems to work the best. Also the cheapest too. lol

OK, went to the lfs today and got some really, really good information and recommendations. I am going with a live reef sand as my substrate rather than the aragonite or crushed coral. They had live rock and will get probably 3 pounds to start off with until the tank is cycled (3-4 weeks). They had a lot of coral, very pretty colors; some very high priced for my pocketbook. Had a small mini coral reasonably priced (in my book) - will get that and a couple of fish when I am ready to inhabit my tank. Once tank is established will get a handful of blue leg hermit crabs and a peppermint shrimp. We have a API fresh water test kit right now - will that suffice for right now until I get a reef test kit? Not sure about the pH for all the inhabitants once I get them in. Any suggestions there?
I used "live sand" in a bag for my biocube. Mind you it will have no effect on your cycling, I just chose what look I liked and they had a pink fiji I thought I;d try. :)

The API freshwater and saltwater kits are same chemicals, just a different color card. The same rules apply though, if theres ammonia you'll get a green, trites will be purple and if your nitrates show up orange or red it's high. LOL

I wouldnt worry too much about ph at this point unless it's unreasonably low or high which it shouldnt be in a fresh starting tank if decent salt mix was used.

For example, my 125g runs at 7.8 on ph BUT every other parameter is fine and everything is growing and doing well. For me to chase after the "perfect" ph of 8.3 would mean adding chemicals and just mucking up the chemistry. As long as it's consistent then youre fine.
nice! I like the black substrate. :)

My Fluval Edge was black and I used the black substrate and I hated it. It was so dark the LED light did not even brighten it up. I have a white one now and am going with a lighter color substrate.
got it started; five and a half pounds of live rock and live reef sand.

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