contemplative cranky cory cat

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Furious George

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 4, 2003
Edmonton, Canada
I have a Bronze Corydoras Catfish in my tank who has recently become very lethargic and inactive. He is still eating the food presented to him and he'll move if another fish prompts him, but he is just sitting in the same spot. Usually he spends all day searching for food or darting up for a gulp of air, this has only been going on for about 2 days now.

I have many other fish in my tank,both swimming and bottom dwellers. None are showing any signs of distress. My nitrates, ammonia levels etc are all where they should be. No big temp. changes lately, and he has no outward sign of disease or injury. Anyone seen this before? any ideas?
I have 2 bronze cory cats. Sometimes they are active and sometimes they are lethargic. But they usually are not lethargic for that amount of time. Are you varying his diet? Also, do you know how old he is? If diet and age are not a factor...the only thing I can think of is that he may be lonely. My corys stick together..they are always playing around and swimming with each other....they even move around the tank together when they eat! You may want to try and get another bronze cory and see if he perks up. Let me know how it goes!
I feed the fish flakes, which he eats the left overs, sometimes I give frozen food, and I feed the bottom dwellers sinking pellets as well. he's not more than a year old, the only unusual thing is that his stomach sort of bulges out a bit (perhap a tumor?) I dont know.

I may get another cory, do they relate to other cory's that aren't bronze? such as panda or striped cory's etc.
My cories hang out by species, but that's just my experience, others might say something else.

My bronze cories are piggies, big fat bellies!

Love the handle, Furious George!
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