Convict cichlid questions

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 13, 2014
recently got a pair of convict cichlids and they paired up and took forever to find a place to lay eggs and when they did and the eggs hatchet then the female convict wouldn't let the male near them (most likely didn't know what she was doing because of this being their first spawn) , anyways i left for 2 days and when i got back i could not see any fry anywhere and i think she or he ate them, well he is in the mood again and i find the female to be even smaller then when i got her(she ate very little when she was taking care of the fry) and the male is constantly chasing her but i see no nipped fins or anything i think he just wants to mate again , but she is always in hiding .... long story short i would like to know if a male convict cichlid could be with any other cichlid in a 23 gallon tank (i would remove the female, but this is just a thought) and is the female going to be ok ? will they eventually mate again ? thank you all in advance !
I got a pair also.. Always chasing each other. They should be ok. Just keep an eye on them.
ya once they paired off, they will breed non-stop. I let the fry get about 1/4inch or so and move then to a grow out tank, and with in a week the parents are back to layin eggs.

As for putting the male with others, it should be ok. I noticed once they see a female they will get aggressive and start showing there dominance. They are stone cold killers when it comes to protecting they young.
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