Convicts fighting

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 28, 2015
I have what I think is 2 pairs of convicts in a 30 gallon tank,I've had them since they were baby's
One of the females went red and started to protect a Pleco cave I had in there,and I saw eggs in the cave a week later.
Any way the eggs were there for about 3 days then disappeared,now she is getting quite aggressive to her mate,and keeps chasing him they have lip locked a few times now and she's still protecting the cave,has anybody got any ideas why she's started acting aggressively to the male?

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most likely there are wigglers in the cave. Male probably seen as a threat. I just went through this with my cons. The male eventually killed the female and ate the fry. 2 pairs in a 30 is a little tight.
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