Cooler temp fish?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 17, 2014
One of my daughters is in a four year horticulture program at her high school. As a project for that we're going to start a small Walstad/natural planted tank, either a 5g or 10g. Other than white clouds what fish do better in lower water temps?
Well, as you stated: any type of minnow, danios as well. All livebearer fish can live without a heater in Belgium (and it's quite cold here). Room temperature should do them well. Same counts for bettafish.

Sent per three-eyed raven..
Betta fish do best 78+ temps, which usually means heater. Guppies, I think, are all right at room temp, as are some killifish. Maybe Endlers.
Yes that's right! I remember keeping an aphyosemion gardneri without heater... God I hated that creature, he would bite the tails of zebra danios at night!

Sent per three-eyed raven..
Yes that's right! I remember keeping an aphyosemion gardneri without heater... God I hated that creature, he would bite the tails of zebra danios at night!

Oh no, I love my gardneri! My male reminds me of a betta.

I like the killie idea though, maybe I'll get a pair of australe.
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