Coral Beauty with ich

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 18, 2004
I am in the second week of QT with my new Coral Beauty and the last three days she has been acting kind of strange. There were no visible signs of a parasite, but she was not swimming as fluidly as normal. Sure enough, I get home last night and notice 6 or 7 small white specks on the fins and body. It's times like this that I am glad I use a QT. Looks like 2 weeks of Cupramine treatment are ahead of me. I just hope she pulls through, she was struggling a little bit last night.

I lost one of those to ich myself. :cry: It was the only one who didn't pull through. Good luck!
Well, unfortunately the CB did not make it. I'm not exactly sure of the cause either. I was using Cupramine and did the half dose to start last Thursday, and added the second dose on Saturday. The erratic swimming I had noticed continued and worsened. Water changes with Cupramine matched water did not help either. She got worse and was finally laying on the bottom gasping.

However, the Maroon Clown that was in QT with her is still doing extrememly well. He never showed any signs of ich and is swimming and eating great. So, hopefully I will at leats get this one fish into the main in a few weeks.
Sorry to hear this. :( It may have been velvet from the sound of it.
Glad to hear the clown is doing good.
If it was velvet, is there anything I should be doing other than letting the Cupramine treatment continue for 14 days? I want to ensure the health of this maroon clown.

QS, thanks for all your help!
Cupramine cleared up velvet for me. I think it is the best solution.
IMO stay the course.
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