Coral only Nano

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Just recently found out my multi colored Birdsnest isn't what the owner claimed. It's actually Pocillopora Coral. Big difference, right? I tend to believe what people tell me. I'll know better in the future. No biggie. I bought it because the way it looked. ( and still does ) not because of the species.
Purchased a golden torch coral today with 4 branches. This will b the centerpiece of my coral only tank. I will post a pic as soon as he decides to make his appearance. Had to tone down my Radion for a few days so as not to shock this new inhabitant. Learned I was running it too bright for my tank anyway. Was running peak brightness at 70%. I'm running it temporarily at 40% and then permanently at 55%. This coral was a real beauty when in full bloom
Appreciate your interest joy13. He is beginning to come out but I'm waiting until he is fully adapted and completely showing before I show him off with a pic. It may take a couple days
Well, the Pocillopora SPS I bought, actually is growing. The tips definately are showing signs of growth. The LFS was amazed when I showed him pics. I only bought it a couple weeks ago. I've been feeding the tank Oyster Feast, but only a few drops a day. My hammer coral was showing signs of suffering. The tips were losing color and he wasn't fully extending. After the LFS recommended decreasing the intensity of the light fm 70 to 40% for the well being of the Torch, I've noticed the hammer fully extending today. It's set to a natural cycle between 11:00am and 11:00 pm. The peak comes at 5:00 pm. My main concern is whether the SPS will suffer. The LFS assures me it won't. It's still pretty bright even at the new setting. 1 thing I don't like about the Radion that is barely worth mentioning, is the fact that it doesn't photograph well. Too blue. It isn't noticeable when your just looking at the tank. Sure does show up in pics though.


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Awsome pics. Great to hear that the corals are growing that fast in a couple weeks. I've herd of people upping the light percentage 5% every couple of weeks until the coral adapts to it. You could try that if you like the 70% best.
Thanks. Yeah, there's so many lighting options with the Radion. It's mind boggling I haven't even started messing with the artificial light settings yet. Theres about 5 or 6 color settings I can adjust. White, blue, green, red, etc. wouldn't know where to start. I'm still getting used to it. The natural light setting is the least complicated so it's what I use for now. I'm real happy I went with ur suggestion on these LED's
Im even thinking of turning down the intensity a bit more. The torch coral was under T5 lighting before I bought it. The SPS doesn't seem to be bothered by the lower light level. Then I will gradually increase it like u said. About 5% every week or 2
I'm glad you like the lights. Are you going to get a Neptune or DA on the system?
Soon as I figure out what they are, I'll be able to answer that. Haha! I'm guessing, probably not. With the Fluval 305 and it's return spray bar, I've got good, even current throughout my tank. I was going to buy the Vortech MP10w PH that works in conjunction with the lights. But it would just be a waste of money. I won't buy it just for the "Cool" factor. The only purchase I made that wasn't really anticipated was a RamoraC hang on skimmer. Wasn't real happy with that clunker hanging on the back. But it works great and adds an extra dimension to my filtering. I look back and think I probably should have gone with the sump design. But hey, I'm more than happy with what I got. And it's pretty basic. So alls well
I was talking about the one of the Neptune apex or digital aquatics tank controllers.
Yeah, I did a little research after my last post. I never really gave it much thought. My other tanks are on timers. But the Neptune does so much, I will seriously consider it. My LFS suggested something like that as well. And awhile back, I priced 1 of these. Not sure of the make. They're not cheap if I remember correctly. But if its good for the tank and makes things easier for me, I'm all for it
I have the reefkeeper elite and love it. It has made a lot of tasks easier adn it lets my mind be at ease as well. I don't have a heater controller so I'm using the RKL for that, for my ATO which was pretty simple to hook up. Also have temp and ph sensor so I can just glance at my screen and know whats going on. I really like the standby feature, with a push of a button you can have certain things stay on and go off when you need to do a maintenance or even for feeding corals. Plus you can put a delay on things like skimmers and powerheads so they dont go right on after a standby. AND another neat thing is the wave maker, I have 4 pumps hooked up to mine and it actually creates a wave in my tank. lol And finally, the moonlighting module. I dont have that yet but I dont have built in moonlights so this really attracted me to this unit. :)
Even though this is supposed to be a corals only tank. Apparently a sufficient CUC is still required. I have assorted snails but they can't keep up. I've never had a hermit crab but have heard both good and bad things about them. Anyone care to share their personal experiences about these critters?
I've had bad experiences with them eating all my snails because my fish didn't leave enough food to get caught in things. Now on the other hand I've had great luck with emerald crabs eating bubble algae and sometimes hair algae as well
Thanks. Appreciate ur input. I do like my emerald in my 14. I did have an emerald that went rogue. Started attacking anything that moved. He may not have been a true emerald though. Right coloring but grew rather quick and his claws began taking on a red tint. Had to get rid of him. The other 1 I bought at the same time hasn't grown much at all. About the size of a nickel. The big 1 did rid my tank of bubble algae, which was the main reason I bought them
Porcelain and emerald crabs look almost identical when they're small so you could have gotten a porcelain crab
Hmm, didn't know that. Ur probably right. Little booger had a nasty pinch. Nailed me a couple times during routine Maint.
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