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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 26, 2005
United Kingdom
Hi, I have Recently set up a 32 gal. Saltwater Aquarium and I am still in the process of maturing the tank, I will in the future want to add coral and would like to know, How long after Maturing the tank will it be before I can add coral ?? also, what corals will grow nicely under 2 standard tubes (42 inch, 38w each.) and a 125w Metal Halide with a 900ltr/hr Maxijet Powerhead for circulation ?? any corals that spread relitivaly fast ??

any Help is much Appriciated, Thanks.
I would say light wise you could have just about anything as long as you put it in the right spot ...... whenever your tank goes all the way through the cycle, you can start adding corals.

GSP and xenia are the fastest spreading corals from my experience.
I would suggest a holding period of a few months on the corals. The reason is to as you can get accustomed to the maintance of the tank and also give the tank some more time to mature and water contiditons to stablize. Indeed with the MH your set for most all soft corals and LPS corals. SPS can be kept also if you put them in the upper half of the tank. The only thing I would shy away from would be clams.
What's this about clams? They love metal halide lighting!!! Especially maxima clams. I keep two reef systems at work and both have clams. They are soooo easy. Dont be discouraged. You have great conditions for just about anything you want providing you dont over crowd. To start, Zooanthis and mushroom corals are easy and beautiful. Star polyps are a good start too. I would wait at least six months before adding anything other that the Zooanthis and mushroom/polyp corals. A couple of inverts would be nice to speed the cycle process i.e. Algae Hermits, Snails, Cleaner shrimp etc.
I had always heard that for corals...a tank wasn't considered "mature" until it had been established and running for a year or more.....anyone else ever hear that?
NewFishGuy said:
I had always heard that for corals...a tank wasn't considered "mature" until it had been established and running for a year or more.....anyone else ever hear that?

This hobby is LOADED with myths and bad info. Since not all corals are alike, not all corals have the same requirements.

Tanks can't become "established" without living things in them - otherwise it's just a bucket of water. Pods, inverts, hardy corals, etc., can go in provided the cycle is complete. A previous post in this thread mentions using inverts to speed the cycle - certainly not the nitrogen cycle!!! What you need is a popluation of plankton. But even then supplemental feeding of certain corals will likely be necessary.

Add them SLOWLY ... give them a chance to acclimate. Read up on their requirements BEFORE you buy them, etc.

My tank has been running for less than three months (past the end of a month-long cycle), and it is CRAWLING with pods which came in on chatemorpha and the LR. I have inverts, mushrooms, zoos, palys, a hammer coral, bubble coral, and Montipora spp hard corals. All are doing well. It's taken me all this time to add these things - mostly frags from larger colonies, except for the bubble. One thing per week to ten days, if that.
definely go with mushrooms or toadstools to have a starting coral. these are very ease to keep and if your tank cant support these then i wouldnt think it could support any coral. mine have almost double in size in less than2 months. have fun coral are very cool living addition to your tank
Great, Thanks all, but is a single 125w metal halide definately enough light for my aquarium ?? because dont they usually need more than that ??

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