coral sand AND PH level

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 9, 2003
Does using coral sand(live sand) and coral chip as gravel helps to maintain the PH in a contant level above 8.0 ? Will the PH fall below 7 over times using coral sand(live sand) as gravel ?

Is it true that dosing calcium supplements over times will bring the PH level down ?
Does using coral sand(live sand) and coral chip as gravel helps to maintain the PH in a contant level above 8.0 ?

No, the buffering capacity of coral sand or aragonite is in the 7.6-7.8 range.

Will the PH fall below 7 over times using coral sand(live sand) as gravel ?

It could alot would depend on how dirty the tank is, the bioload and maintenance habits.

Is it true that dosing calcium supplements over times will bring the PH level down ?

Does that means to maintain the coralline algae to grow properly, we need to dose additives (test kit to test the level first ) to buffer the alkalinity and calcium ion level ? and doing regular water change?
Does that means to maintain the coralline algae to grow properly, we need to dose additives (test kit to test the level first ) to buffer the alkalinity and calcium ion level ? and doing regular water change?

Yes, maintain reg water changes and test CA and ALK and dose if necessary to maintain the levels at a proper level and balance.
Coralline algae likes elevated calcium levels, good circulation, and *tons* of actinic lighting. Too much white light will actually supress it. You can get away with just water changes and nutrient enriched reef salt, but adding kalk or aragamilk rather than rely on fresh salt to replenish nutrients is a whole lot easier.

I've got about 5 types of established corraline growing in one of my 55gals with the common pink stuff nearly out of control, and growing at a daily visible rate. I use two 55watt power compacts doubled up at the moment, do water changes sporadically on this tank and haven't tested calcium in months since I'm not hosting any tricky corals in it at the moment.

I dose with half a cap of aragamilk every other day, and this keeps calcium and PH where it ought to be without any other maintenence. PH hasn't budged from 8.2-8.3 in 6months, so I gave up testing it.

When I pulled out one of my 50/50 power compacts and switched to a full actinic, the rate of my corraline growth doubled - instantly. That's pretty much my formula. Personally I think T5 or VHO actinic works better for corraline than PC actinics, but I have no idea why. MH is better yet. When you start adding more advanced corals you will have to be more carefull about calcium and alk levels, but corraline is a pretty simple formula.
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