Cories and Oxygenated Water

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 14, 2004
I have read that cories in a 75 gal tank need additional aeration. What is the preferred method of accomplishing this, an airstone or a powerhead?

Hi. I don't know where you heard that, but any aquarium within normal parameters will be fine for Corys. When they need a little more they go to the surface for it. Corys are a very "low maintenance" fish. Enjoy. - Frank/Guppyman®
Guppyman is absolutely right. A regular aquarium setup should be fine for these guys. He knows his stuff, too, since he's bred cories very successfully.

One reason this point is often brought up is that cories really enjoy playing in the bubbles produced by bubble wands and stones. Though they enjoy this hugely, there is no reason to necessarily put one of these devices in your tank.

That said, a bubble wand is a wonderful way to encourage the playful attitude of your cories. If you do put one in the tank, you may find your cories become even more fun to watch than they presently are. Think about it...
I just added an airstone to the tank. As of yet, everyone is just looking at the bubbles. The Yo-Yo's are a little skittish since the bubbles were turned on, but hopefully they will soon get used to them.
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