Cory cats and gravel

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Mark Hewitt

Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 4, 2010
Chester-le-Street, UK
I'm wondering about getting some Cory catfish but I'm concerned I've made the wrong choice of gravel to allow them to survive well.

It's mostly angular blocks around half a centimetre each across. Would this cause a problem for them or other bottom dwellers.

I'm definitely not up for changing the gravel!
Take a few pieces, put them in your palm, and rub your hands together. If you feel a lot of sharp points, corys probably aren't for you.
If you're dealing with the 54 liter tank in your profile, choices will be a little limited. A brush nose pleco or a rubberlips pleco (They stay small) could work. Shrimp could also be interesting.
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