Cory eggs

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 11, 2003
Well it is a few days after my recent tank move and my cories have just layed eggs for the first time. The 3 are an albino (the biggest and probably the female), a peppered and a bronze (whom I assume is the dad). Anyway I don't really care how many eggs survive (a couple would be nice) but how long should I expect to wait before they hatch?
Cory Eggs


My Cory eggs generally hatch about 72 hours after the first eggs were laid - almost like clockwork. However, if you have 3 distinct species, they may not hatch at all. If your female is an albino bronze - that's another story. If they are different strains and they do successfully breed interspecies, you would be best to destroy the fry. Interspecies breeding is a no-no! If the eggs turn white (opaque) or get fungus, they probably will not hatch. They should remain a translucent gray or pinkish-brown. Some methyline blue (1 drop per gallon) will prevent fungus as will strong aeration, but NO filtration as they will instantly be sucked into the filter when hatched. No food for 2 - 3 days as they are born with a yolk sac and then bbs and minute amounts of powdered flake food. Hope this helps. - Happy holiday season to you and good luck w/ your eggs. - Guppyman

Cross-strain breeding is definitely possible, for example between C. aeneus "Green stripe" and the normal aeneus (this would probably result in an unattractive mutt). For this reason I would keep strains of the same species apart. However, cross species breeding (hybridization, the bad practice) is rare with cories, unless two similar but geographically isolated species are kept together. This is because the fish lack the instincts that tell them that their mate is of a different species although it looks the same, because the two would never encounter each other in the wild. It shouldn't be a problem.

From Guppyman

Genetically it's a bad practice, but as stated above if your Cory eggs do hatch, more than likely your albino was an albino bronze that mated with your "bronze" bronze. So - no harm done. Hope this helps. - Guppyman

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