Corydora <3

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 5, 2011
Just wanted to share my cory finds with you guys. I originally brought 2 schwartzi corys and added a panda cory a few days later, I was initially worried that the panda might get lonely and need a mate but my worries were wasted as he became fast friends with the original 2 and are now inseparable. They follow each other around the tank alday long cleaning as they go. They are truly wonderful to watch and are full of personality. I strongly recommend getting them. I'm currently considering adding a juli cory. Do you think they will accept the new addition or is that too many different types? Please share your cory finds too!


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Just a few pictures


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Also on reading about juli corys I understand it's unlikely that you will get a true julli as they are so rare? Does anyone have one or no where I could get a true julli? Thanks
My three-line corys (false julii) group with my albinos. I don't think it would be a problem.
I love them too!
Awesome, what are your juliis like? Is there much of a different between the two?
They are very playful. The albinos were older, so they were braver right away. The three-lines hid more at first. Now they stay out all the time.
I think the false ones are cuter; I like their patterns.
I have emerald cories and spotted but they don't play together. I think it's because the emeralds are much larger than the spotted. I love the little guys they are so fun to watch. I have 8 in my 45g and then wanted some for my 10 gallon. If you like cories I would look at emeralds they are so pretty.
Those fish are beautiful! I just love Corydoras. They are some of my favorite fish and those are some great examples.

My past experience (and what I've read) suggests the different species won't shoal together. But what I keep reading here suggests that may not be so. It may be just the case that they won't if there are others of their own species available. I'll have to try it out again and see.
i have juli corys i think because mine dont really look like the false ones and i got mine at petsmart. they will school if they look simialer and get the same size. i recently had my juli corys breed which didnt turn out well haha.
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