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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 14, 2003
New York, NY
Can they handle a gravel bed? I've got gravel, with some of those smaller ultra stones covering the top. Bought 2 cories a week or so ago, and they seem to be fine -- just read a book, however, that recommends sand for 'em.
i kept cories with a gravel substate for two years. their barrells(sp?) were long and healthy and they even once spawned.
What you want to stay away from is sharp edged gravel with corys. As long as you use rounded gravel, the corys will be happy. You can always put a sandbed in the tank somewhere for them if you want to. My FW tank is 1/2 gravel and 1/2 sand. The corys spend 90% of their time on the sand side and I always feed them there.
Logan J

Thanks all. Really helps.

PS - what's this "Kudos" stuff? And what's with the ratings? Newbie, Freak, etc.?
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