Could I Add Any More Fish?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2003
I have a 10 gal. w/ 5 zebra danios, 1 leopard danio, and 1 adf (who disappeared.. hopefully in hiding)
I also have 2 fake rock ornaments, and 4 live plants--hornwort, lutea, banana plant, and some very small java fern...

I was thinking about a bottom feeder but what kind would be small enough for the tank and get along with the very active danios?
Practically any species of Corydoras will get along just fine in your tank. Get at least 2 of them....they like being in a group.
About two weeks ago, I posted a similar question regarding bottomdwellers. The helpful folks here responded and their advice was overwhelmingly: corydoras.

They only get to be about 1 3/4 inch, so you could probably fit two in without any problem. They are loads of fun to watch and are not extremely shy.

BTW, what is an 'adf'?
I'm not sure but you might not want to add anymore, danios get to be a little over 2 inches and most cories acctually get to about 2.5 - 3 inches long.

after a while your tank may become kinda crowded (especially when cories like groups of 4-6).
Yeah depends on the corys. If you can find dwarf corys (Corydoras pygmaeus) all the better; cute lil buggers, just as effective as their bigger brethern and only top out at around one inch long. If you can't find em, I'd go with 3 corys; thats the minimum IMHO; you could likely go with 5 or 6 if you can find the pygmys.
If you do regualr water changes and follow Allivymar's advice you will be fine.
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