could this be a case of bloat?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 15, 2012
Ive never dealt with it. Parameters are good. Seems to be swimming and everything just fine

Once a day enough for like 30 seconds of feeding. I feed them cichlid flakes
Update.....fasting worked. Cut back the food and now feeing them every few days
So i bought my eartheaters omega one small pellets. They devoured them the first day, now dont eat them at all. They really like the plain cheap cichlid flakes. I paid almost 8 bucks for the pellets, should i spend the same and get the omega one flakes? i just want my fish to have good food cause right now the only food they will eat besides bloodworms is tetrafin cichlid flakes
Update.....fasting worked. Cut back the food and now feeing them every few days

I'm figured that would be the case, since Bloat rarely actually shows that particular symptom. I skip feeding every Sunday to help ensure the digestive track is getting cleared.
HUKIT said:
I'm figured that would be the case, since Bloat rarely actually shows that particular symptom. I skip feeding every Sunday to help ensure the digestive track is getting cleared.

I do the same... I think I saw you post something like this before.
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