Crystal Red Shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2011
Oxford, OH
I fell in love with this shrimp's cousin the bee shrimp and can't get it out of my mind! So I have a few questions... What size tank would you recommend for keeping this shrimp? I have an 8 gallon that I'm willing to set up completely to this shrimp. Tank set up ideas? Decorations? Plants that they love? Any one have any experience, I've read a bunch on them but nothing compares to experience. Also tank mates are there any? Foods that they like? I tried doing a thread just on bee shrimp but I don't think that many people keep the bees but the crystals people usually do. Thanks for reading and/or leaving any comments! ~Aqua
The only tank mate I would put in with them is a snail or another kind of shrimp that it will not breed with. They will probably like any plants that you like and shrimp always like moss.
Tank size, bigger the better. As far as plants, lots. The more the better, I don't think they have a preference, but moss seems to always be a hit.

Give them some driftwood for decoration, it's a good surface for them to feed on also. As far as food goes, I feed mine a high quality spirulina stick and sometimes pellets or flakes. I prefer using the sticks though so I can get a head count (they can't drag the entire stick away so they are all forced to congregate on it).

I keep bn plecos with mine, but I wouldn't keep any other fish besides ottos. You can keep pretty much any type of snail in there.

I had a mix of crystal red and bee shrimp for a while. I don't know if I have any bee shrimp left in there, I haven't seen any recently.

Temperature in the low 70s seems to be best, and a ph in the 6's.
Thank you everyone! I love all this information that you all gave me!!! It's very useful and I will take it all and use if when I make my tank for them!!! Thank you thank you thank!!!

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