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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 16, 2013
Long Island, NY
Here's my female DGs the slightly larger one shows a very decent amount of color. I still dont have names for them!

Wish I could get some lol I love my boys thogh ands ill try them together hope it goes well


Will be a few weeks til I do


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Thank you! My LFS had them which was pretty rare. I got them with my male from my profile photo but these two actually bullied him to death :( now im very hesitant to get another male. Yours is beautiful!
Decided on naming these two Mopani and Acaidia. Both types of driftwood since they absolutely looove their little driftwood hangout!
Very nice DG's

Thanks for sharing your picture. Looks like they're having a good time.

DG's sure have more personality than I was expecting. Mine both play games with the rainbow shark. [I was fortuante that my LFS knew to give me both a male and female ... I would never have known the difference.]
Could t wait I got another lol they don't nip eachother just Tend to hide from each other

Mine are from Petsmart ad they keep males together so I thought I'd give it a try. So far tht stay away from each other with maybe a mini chase or two but short and no nipped fins
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