Cyano with undetectable phosphates! Why?!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 2, 2012
I have cyano but my nitrates and phosphates are undetectable on the test kits. Why is this? How do I get rid of it? All I've read is to lower phosphates and it will go away. It has not! I have even ran gfo in a bag for a day a couple of times. I also vodka dose. Other than that, everything is doing isn't a lot, just get a little on my glass and back wall and return nozzles.

Mike Hayes
Also they're probably undetectable because the algae is consuming them. Cyano doesn't need much to thrive.
What kind of water are you using? Ro/di? The phosphates and nitrates are being consumed thats why the test are reading 0 if you have algae you nitrates and phosphates! Vodka dosing takes weeks sometimes months to work. Are u using a skimmer have you tried running it on the wetter
You should siphon out as much as you can each water change too. Don't blow it off rocks. Cyano doesn't need much to thrive like said before. I had dealt with it for 6 to 8 months. Still have some now but manageable.

I did all this and not sure if one thing did it or all.

Changed bulbs
Lower hours of day light by 2 hours( temporary)
Dosed magnesium
Covered a window by tank better. Less direct sun light.
Bigger and more frequent water changes. Siphoning out as much as possible.
Ordered Cerith snails. Heard they will consume it
Chemi pure elite I think helped with parameters.

Just like you I have un detectable phos. Only 10ppm of nitrates at most. Now down to under 5ppm.
I use ro/di. I just installed it a month ago and it tests 0 tds. I should state that there is not any significant cyano. Just enough to be annoying. It gets on my rescue coral and is on my return nozzles making them an ugly brown. A tiny bit on my back wall every now and again. Some may even ask why I'm complaining because there is so little. But I didnt understand why when my params are near perfect. And whats perplexing is I have cyano but can't even get my chaeto to grow because there's no nutrients.

Mike Hayes
Also, take into consideration that these test kits are hobby grade.
I have witnessed chaeto not growing in very high nutrient tanks as well as low nutrient environments. There are other variables.
Yeah, this is fairly frustrating for me as well. While my cyano is hardly out of control, it is annoying the crap out of me. My Nitrates are consistently below 5 and my phosphates usually at 0.25. I have lots of macro.
Yet the red still spreads. Le sigh.
Could it be the vodka dosing? Should I start using microbacter 7 with the vodka? Or stop vodka all together? Or something else?
When i was vodka dosing i followed instructions on the MB7. Heavy for 2 weeks. To build up bacteria then started the vodka and always added the MB7
How were your results?

Nitrates and phosphates hit zero but the problem is once you start I always read that if you stop you will have algae and now i do just started having a cyano outbreak but new skimmer will be here tomorrow and that should help
The reason I stopped is I would like to have my tank running good enough that I don't need the vodka. The only way to see is stop and what it does. Today I upgraded my skimmer which was a big need and I will see how that does. The TurboFlotor T1000 is in the shed

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