Cycle complete! help now :S

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 2, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
i just need to know right. . .

i have added DIY co2, im about to do an 80% water change, then raise the KH from 3 (tap water) to 6, then ive been told i can get an accurate test of kh in about an hour or two

so heres my question, If the kh is at 6 in an hour or two, i have temp right, and my ph isnt going to swing much (.4 absolute max) over like 24 - 48 hours (co2 is really slow) can i add fish today!!??!!

so basically all kh stuff aside, if ive completed my cycle and done an 80% water change, can i add fish as long as temp is ok and ph isnt gonna swing much?

OH the water will be bi-carb cloudy will that harm the fish? YAY thanks :)
If you ammonia is 0 and your nitrites are 0 and you have seen them rise and fall and you are showing nitrates, I do not see why you could not add some fish. What are you looking to get? The bi-carb will not cloud the water I add 2 teaspoons with every water change and it clouds nothing.
im going to put in 10 - 13 gold tetras, at once, should be ok right now if i put in 4ppm or ammonia it will be gone in about 8 hours and nitrates might jump to like 1 or something and then go within a day

thanks man!

actually u dont know the formula for how much baking soda to add to raise a certain amount of water's kh do u?
sorry... ADDING ammonia? What does this do? ad fuel to the fire of the bacteria? I've actually never heard of this!

Sounds like something you'd only do on an empty tank though!
It is how you fishless cycle a tank. Add ammonia, pure no soaps etc. about 4-5 ppm and let the cycle go. No fish get injured and you dont have to change any water.
i used a piece of shrimp? same sorta idea? shrimp rots, turns to ammonia? dosing pure ammonia just speed things up slightly? Good to know for my next tank. Also... i have a bottle of 90% pure ammonia for cleaning, same stuff? or is this some special grade?
Yes same idea as the shrimp a little faster and a lot less messy.

Depends if it is pure no soap and fragrance you can use it. Shake it and see if you get bubbles?
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