Cycle question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 20, 2014
I started a post a few days back asking about using the Gulf to help with my cycling

However when I unloaded the sumps I noticed that there was an easy 5 gallons of media in one of the sumps, it had been out of water for a few days but was still damp.

I mixed up 10 gallons of water with 2 lbs of sea salt and poured in the 3compartment sump. Tomorrow I'll run a pump in one end compartment with a return in the 3rd compartment and flow water across the media.

Am I headed a good direction to keep this media alive or am wasting time?
Very good links and I am an avid reader. However I've got bacteria that are diminishing as we speak so I came to this forum for the short version.

That said, I've done everything I could to save this media. I've filled the sump with the proper salt water, I've cycled the media using an extra Fluval 405 I had, I added and airstone and I've made an initial ammonia chloride feeding (I'll keep on feeding daily).

If this mediai stays alive, I'll immediately set up a large container to start cycling my rock using this media as a base.


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