Cycling Betta Tank

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 7, 2005
Well Mums betta tank is cycling. Currently in Ammonia Spike. How should we monitor the betta and tank whilst going thru the ammonia spike?

4g tank
No live plants
Ammonia: 1.5mg/L
Nitrate: 0

Note: Mum did a 50% water change today and I measured the ammonia in the afternoon. The ammonia result is after the water change.

Thankyou for your help and advice in advance. :)
Well now a pair of his fins instead of being fan shaped, have become into a tear drop shape with a point at t he end. He is not as active and a new white colouration in his top fin.
Do you think we should move him back into his original smaller unfiltered tank and let his new tank finish with fishless cycle?
Any help is gratly appreciated.
Might want to post in sick fish forum and/or identify if those developments are really symptoms. If hes weak and sick already, putting it through stress of cycling is likely unwise. I started a natural 2.5g a few months ago with hornwort, anacharis and java moss from an established tank, and 2 cups of water changed a day kept NH3 spike ~.5 <1 week of set-up. If old tank has already lost bacteria, how about getting some fast growing plants to help the new tank along? Plants mentioned don't need substrate or ferts, and grow without much light.
removed him into another container. he is still very unactive and he is just siting there with fins clamped. He will move and wave his fins around when aroused. He wasn't like this before the ammonia spike.

Mum put Melafix in using a syringe to measure. We are getting BIo Spira and aquarium salt.
I don't think Melafix will help with ammonia poisoning.

Get a water conditioner like Amquel which detoxifies ammonia while supposedly allowing the cycle to continue.

Good luck, hope your mum's betta is feeling better soon.
I was on another forum of betta owners, and they were saying that for very small tanks, they prefer to do 100 percent water changes rather than trying to cycle. I think five gallons is probably right on the borderline....It probably is capable of being cycled, but doing it with your betta is probably not the best option. You might keep him in another tank while doing 100 percent water changes there, while you do a fishless cycle on his new home. Just a thought.

I wouldn't try to treat water with ammonia already in it to help him...rather, I would give him new water.
Well now he is in his old tiny tank and has had melafix and stress coat in the new water. He looks so much better and he is now very very agressive. Flaring everytime a person comes to him. Even Mum! Usually he just flares at everyone but Mum but now he flares at her too. Thanx for your advice. We will ppuit him back in his new tank when it has finished cycling!
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