Cycling with live plants???

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 4, 2013
Pipestone, Minnesota
I don't know anybody with a tank atm so I have no seed matrial to start with. What I was think was getting live plants. They come with seed material. I already have the fish (county fair fish game). Yes I know this is backwards, so what does everybody thing of cycling with plants?
With the proper light in place it's quite easy to cycle using live plants. Just get ahold of a fair amount of fast growing stem plants such as anacharis or water sprite and it should work just fine.
Lights should be good although I am not really used to the LED I will have to see when I get it out of the box. Nope haven't started yet!
Goldfish tend to eat or uproot plants. 8 Goldfish can do a lot of damage.

2 Goldfish can live for a short time in a 37g.
Comets/Commons are POND fish.

I do cycle with plants. Try Anubias and Java Fern. Tie them to DW or smooth rocks. No spiky decor in Goldie tanks.

I know your kids like the fish, they will hate when they die. Rehome them and get fish that can live comfortably in a 37g. They'll be much happier with live pets.

Or buy a couple of stock tanks or build a Pond.

Comets grow FAST or they die young if they can't grow. They can live over 25yrs and get over a foot long each.
Hello flit...

Plants aren't a source of ammonia, which is what's needed to start the "nitrogen cycle". I used some feeder female Guppies when I cycled my first tank. Used 8 of them in a 30 G tank. Worked really well. All the fish survived. The bonus was, the females had quite a few fry, so the water must not have been too bad during the process.

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