Cyclop-eze... how much? how often?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 30, 2004
Cyclop-eze looks so tiny you wouldn't think it could foul water... DUH! Of course it can. I was just surprised by how fast it happens. I was feeding my new anthias a couple scrapings of cyclop-eze a day with some mysis and MAN did it foul my water fast. I've stopped using it all together until I can figure out how much of it is sufficient to feed. Luckily they'll eat anything under the sun and I've switched them over to Formula 1, 2 & Prime Reef (which is what my main eats anyway). Just curious how you're able to use it and not cause an ammo issue :)
I use it for feeding my corals. My fish eat it too but, it's intended for the particulate feeders. I use a SMALL piece, say equivalent to a 1/4" diameter, and feed it about 3 times per week.

I know my polyps, zoos and plate coral love it. I actually can see them gobble it up. The polyps close up and pull it in and so do my mushrooms. Very cool
I have been using about the size of the O shown mainly just for my sun polyps. No problems with water after only a week. Will update if that changes though. I also feed daily with a few flakes or 1/2 cube of spirulina brine shrimp rotated daily.
I've cut back to once maybe twice a week and I now target feed just corals w/ it. Alittle of that stuff goes along way. FWIW, I've also put myself on general feeding restrictions LOL-I only feed the tank on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday now. I've noticed my water looks better as do my SPS.
I use Marine plankton with cyclop-eeze once or twice a week. One pump from the dispenser is all

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