Damn White Spot Again Big problem

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 11, 2005
Wicklow, Ireland
Tank 55g 6 plants and small medium gravel.

12 silver tipped tetra. (3/4 in)
6 Clown Loache (dead now)
5 Small Bala sharks (small 2in dead now also)
1 Pleco
1 Siamese Fighter

Filter Eheim 2128 Pro2 Thermo.

Readings Well within parameters
Nitrate 10ppm
Nitrites 10ppm
Amonia 10ppm
Ph 6.5 to 7ppm

Maintenance change 5 gal on wednesdays and 10 gal on saturdays. Use stress coat to remove chlorine.

I noticed 1 bala with white spot so I removed the carbon pad from filter, I did not clean the filter because it was fine.

I had ich before so I keep waterlife protasoan med (i think thats the name sorry I'm in work now), it worked before.

I raised the temp to 25c and I treated with 50%(as recommended for clown loache) of dosage for 3 days and then waited until day 6 for final doseage.

Boom white spot everywhere on day 2 of treatment I cant believe how fast it happened. 6 hrs after that Loaches and ballas were all more or less dead.

1 Tetra is showing 2 small dots but my pleco and siamese looks fine.

My quarantine tank was smashed by an idiot (leave it at that).

Should I continue with treatment?

Also if anyone could help I was advised to not use salt because pleco's are at risk?

I have also seen online here that you can just raise the temp to 30c but will this not kill the fish?

I am so gutted right now I feel like Michael Douglas in falling down. Can't believe my "fatboy" loache is gone. I think I will remember picking him out of the tank for a long time.

My temp is at 25 c still but no further spreading with the other tetras or siamese. Are they carriers as expressed by some people?

I am getting a new 96L quarantine tank at the weekend, should I invest in a UV Steriliser?

I have a 40L plastic container should I put the Tetra showing whitespot into it with a heater and filter. I could mix some of my filter media from the main tank to seed the filter.

I also have cloudy water for 2 days now. Its not a bio boom theres no slick on the surface and the parameters seem fine.

What did I do wrong?

Damn theres no guns in Ireland!!!!!!!!!
By all means raise the temperature to 86f/30c. Your fish will be fine. Leave it that way for at least 2 weeks after the last sign of the ich. You were right not to add salt the plecos and the clown loaches do not like it. I would quit using the meds I have never had any success with them killing ich.

Just to be sure does it look like the fish were sprinkled with salt?

Good luck.
Yep it was ich. It killed me watchin the loaches scratching all the time.

But are you sure about the 30c because I thought 28c was the limite with siamese and pleco?
Yes they will take it for a few weeks no problem. You will want to up your aeration some. Warmer water does not hold o2 as well as cooler water.
Readings Well within parameters
Nitrate 10ppm
Nitrites 10ppm
Amonia 10ppm
Ph 6.5 to 7ppm

which test kit are you using??? 10ppm ammonia is way too high for fish...and 10ppm nitrites is not only high but if your using the AP test kit it only goes up to 5ppm...are you using test strips??? those are known to be inaccurate :roll:
sorry im using the liquid tests.

10ppm might be wrong statement

Its .1 or 10

Nitrate, Nitrite and Amonia all come up the colour next to none at all sorry my fault with 10 ppm.

I will check when I go home.
It is .1 you probably had a liitle bit of a spike because of the dead fish. Do a partial water change when you get home and keep an eye on it.
Well I just tested and the results scared me

Ammonia .1
Nitrite .1
Nitrate 25 mg/L
PH 7

Damn why is the Nitrate up

I did a partial water change 10g

I'll keep an eye on it. Probably from the dead fish although I did a 20g change last night.

Should I change more water before raising the temp or go ahead?
Start raising the temp. You want to start killing that ich. I would test again tomorrow and change water if needed. Those numbers are not that high that you need to change water again today.
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