DAS to RR tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 11, 2004
Im not sure where to post this so Im going to post it in several locations. I currently have a DAS tank but want to go to a RR tank. I have heard of people taking out the overflow and installing a hanging overflow so cutting isnt involved. Has anyone done this or have info on it? Im am very interested in how this works and difficult it is to do.

Thanks for any and all help
Let me guess, you got your tank at Dallas North? I did the same thing and really wish I had followed my gut and gone with teh reef ready. I have modified my system to use a under tank refugium by pulling water out using a cannister filter and a Mag3 as a return pump. This is a bad way to do it, because I am always dealing with balanceing the flow. With that said, I bought a hang on overflow, but cna not install it yet becasue my tank is too close to the wall. I am playing with numerous options, but I think one way or another I am going to have to break the tank down and move it all of two inches. Good luck whatever you do.
Actually I am working on an idea that just might be the best of both worlds without having to do anything external..More or less using what is inside the tank for what it should have been intended for. If you want more info email me

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