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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 30, 2013
In my fish tank I have 2 African dwarf frogs, 2 neon tetras, 1 cory catfish, and 2 mollies. I used to have 9 mollies but 7 died. I had 8 baby fish that were 7 months and 5 months. The other one is the dad of them. I came home and 5 of the baby fish were dead. I left again for three hours and came back to find 2 more baby mollies dead. It has only effected the mollies. I'm now down to the fish I had before, 1 baby molly, and the dad. The only thing we changed was the frog food. We channged it to zoo meds aquatic frog and tadpole food. I read the lable and it said nothing about the effects of it. Please help. :blink:
In my fish tank I have 2 African dwarf frogs, 2 neon tetras, 1 cory catfish, and 2 mollies. I used to have 9 mollies but 7 died. I had 8 baby fish that were 7 months and 5 months. The other one is the dad of them. I came home and 5 of the baby fish were dead. I left again for three hours and came back to find 2 more baby mollies dead. It has only effected the mollies. I'm now down to the fish I had before, 1 baby molly, and the dad. The only thing we changed was the frog food. We channged it to zoo meds aquatic frog and tadpole food. I read the lable and it said nothing about the effects of it. Please help. :blink:

Are all these fish kept in the same tank? How big is the tank? And was there any physical damage marks on the dead fishes? Mollies really are brackish water fish so they like some salt with the water but they usually can survive no salt. Not sure if that could have affected it.
Are all these fish kept in the same tank? How big is the tank? And was there any physical damage marks on the dead fishes? Mollies really are brackish water fish so they like some salt with the water but they usually can survive no salt. Not sure if that could have affected it.

Yes, all of the fish are in the same tank. The tank is about 20 gallons. I didn't see any visible physical damage. In my tank there is no salt and its been like that for roughly a year. (thats how long i had the tank.) My mollies have lived in that tank their entire life besides the adult.
Yes, all of the fish are in the same tank. The tank is about 20 gallons. I didn't see any visible physical damage. In my tank there is no salt and its been like that for roughly a year. (thats how long i had the tank.) My mollies have lived in that tank their entire life besides the adult.

How big were the babies? My guess, if you change the water only once a month, is that the parameters are off balanced and something(s) is too high. That might be what killed them ( ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, ph ).
How big were the babies? My guess, if you change the water only once a month, is that the parameters are off balanced and something(s) is too high. That might be what killed them ( ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, ph ).

Agreed. Change the water once a week.
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