delimma about bettas/where to get them

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 12, 2004
Northern VA
I have a 7.5 gal tank (with pretty good circulation) that was just freed up because the fish in there were moved to my 10 gal. tank (and will hopefully be enjoying a 30, maybe 46, gallon tank come december...btw, it is just a few spaztic zebra danios). Anyway, the tank is naturally warm and stays around 80-82 degrees because it is completely enclosed and I guess because it has a pretty powerful light for such a little tank.

Anyway, since it stays so warm, I was thinking about getting a betta because they like the warmer water, plus they are very pretty and I like them. Sooooo... I was wondering if I should get one from my LFS because I try to support them as much as I can, or should I rescue one from the horrible Walmart where, even though I know I hate seeing it, I always go and look at the tanks and feel sorry for the poor fishies. The Walmart has more variety and a bigger supply, but that would mean giving money to fish killers. My LFS only has 3-7 at a time, but I know they've been treated well, plus tht would be supporting a locally owned, good quality store. What do you guys think??? Save fish from Walmart, or support LFS?

Also, could I put one or two other small fish in the 7.5 gal tank? I just wanted to know if there were any other options... but I am planning on just the single betta. Finally, are there any live plants Bettas cant have in their tank? Just want to make sure that my Betta will have a nice, safe, comfy home.
Personally I'd buy the betta from the place with the healthiest looking selection, and from your discription I'm guessing it's your LFS.

You could probably get a way with a few neons or other small fish in the tank with him. As for plants, I have no idea.
i say go with the LFS.

and i think bettas can have soem tank mates like white clouds and rasporas. anything small and with no long fins. also no surface air breathers. im sure somebody else will chime in with more detailed info though
I think you should get whichever betta you like. If the one at wal-mart looks healthy and nice, get that one. If the ones at the lfs look better, get that one.

If your tank temp is around 80 degrees, I wouldn't put in the white clouds, as they like cooler waters. Perhaps some rasboras or tetras, or possibly livebearers would be a good tank mate for your small tank.

As for plants, there are many kinds that the betta would like. Java moss, Lilys, Apongeton, Swords, anything live and low-light. If you want to go with fake plants, go with silk, as they are easier on the finnage of the betta and sometimes bettas like to lay on the leaves on the plants.

good luck!
yeh, one of my friends got a betta when I was getting my first 10 gal, and he had a plastic plant in there and one day he came to me wondering why his fish had a torn fin. I think he has silk plants now :D

i think i am going to just go with a ghost shrimp and hope my betta doesn't eat it (I read elsewhere on this site that people have had good and bad luck). Also, it is pretty bright in the tank, will this bother the Betta? I read that they like it a little dimmer. If that is the case, I might get a fake floating plant to provide some shade.

btw, thanks for all the responses! :)
My male betta has swords and seams to really like them, they just need to be trimmed a lot in a small tank. I have an eclipse tank and he does seem to favor the area under the filter in the shade.
hmm.. ok, well maybe I'll get a broad leaf plant and stick it near the front so my betta wont be hiding in the back :D
He does swim around the front a lot and in between all of the leaves. But when he rests it is in the back, normally.
If your tank is kept a nice 80 degrees without the heater..

and you think its cause the light..

Try finding out what the temputure plumits to at night when you turn the light out. If it changes, Get yourself a small heater to maintain.

Temp swings are bad for fishes
you know, i completely forgot about that... proves I'm still a newbie. I'll check it in the morning when I wake up, that way it has all night to cool.

** one thought though, don't temperatures change daily for fish in the wild? I know that my Betta isn't a wild fish, but I'd think that they'd be fine with some change of temperature...(nothing too drastic though...)
You'd be surprise how constant the temp iis of wild water :)

When it does change, its so much thermal mass that it happens rather slowly.
Try checking out for some REAL nice bettas.
They are not the multi color ones you find at Wal-Mart or your LFS.
These are solid color fish bred by people that know what they are doing.
You will pay more for a fish but it is WELL worth it.

Also try
Hope this helps.
haha, yeh I actually went there last night. Saw some real beauties!!! But I don't mind getting a "mutt." My puppy (well... he is 4 years old, but still a puppy to me :D ) is a mutt, may cat was a mutt, it'd be cool if I could "adopt" a fish. Ah well. Those Bettas on are really pretty though, can't deny them that.

Oh, and I checked the temp in my tank... even had the windows open in the room so the temp would drop more, and the tank dropped about 3 or 4 degrees. Is that a lot? If so, I guess I'll just be buying a heater soon. :roll:

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