discus problem

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 19, 2006
i have recently purcesed 2 ,,2 1/2" discus which i believe to be female, (i think) one goes over to the other one and the other one pecks at it, and the discus that pecks at the discus doesnt feed at the moment but the other does.
Ok first what size tank and what are the other tank mates? What are your water parameters? Discus can be aggressive especially if there are only 2 of them. It probably is just setting a pecking order. Also don't be suprised if it takes a few days for the fish to feel comfortable enough to eat. Perfectly normal.
also what are your water parems? They need clean water and also a higher temp than normal fish. Also there needs to be more than 2 but if your limited on tank size than for obvious reasons you cant add more. also they are messy, this doesnt really pertain to ur problem right now but is it planted, bare bottem, or sand/ decorations as they are really messy and it will make it harder for them to grow if you dont keep up with the wc
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