Do fishless tanks recycle when fish are added back in?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 24, 2003
Jackson Ms
Hope this makes a little sense!!
I have an fishless 55 and a fishless 29gal tank. I had to move the 55 so it sat without the filters running for a week with only a couple inches of water in it to keep the plants alive. It is now full, filters, and all running.
The 29 was a brackish tank, i took it down and cleaned it but used gravel from the 55 went into the 29. ( i was going to turn the 55 into salt and planed to replace all the gravel but since changed my mind) anyway.
Will these tanks have to cycle again? They both have a huge amount of snails in them. Basicly the 55 is unchanged except the water, it just sat with out the filters actually running.
The 29 was totally cleaned but the gravel is used.

Sorry for the confusion.
You are virtually starting all over, though you likely have some viable seed material to help it along. The bacteria need a pretty steady diet of ammonia and oxygen, not to mention the all important moisture, to remain alive.
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