Do I need to lower pH?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 8, 2013
Spokane, WA
I'm working on a fishless cycle on my 46 Gallon bowfront tank. Going well so far. Added ammonia last night, and 'seeded' the filter with a sludge sample from my LFS's display tank, where she keeps extra filters in the mix just for the purpose. Only problem I'm seeing so far is my pH is up to around 8.2 (using API Master FW test kit). My first fish, once I get there, are planned to be Angels, but I'm reading they like the pH to be around 7.2 or lower.

Do I need to lower my pH for them, or would they be fine? Planning on getting baby sized fish, if that affects the decision.

If I need to lower it, what are some cheap/free home remedies to get the pH down? I think I heard baking soda or something might do it?

Edit: Adding pics of current levels (Ammonia will be higher now, I just added more to keep the cycle going)



You don't need to touch the ph... Fish these days are so selective bred that they tolerate basically all conditions of ph.
Wait I thought you said 7.2 it's actuly 8.2 I still think u don't need to mess with it. It's better to have a stable ph than a non stable one.

Like fishman said most fish will tolerate a wode range of ph. Check the water that they come in and if needed drip acclimate the fish slow over afew hours.

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