Do I need to reseal a used tank (15yrs old)?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 20, 2003
I bought a 20g Long along with some other stuff for a pretty good price. The guy told me it was 15 yrs old but hadn't leaked. The vertical inside edges of the aquarium looks like it has the silicone "scrapped" away instead of a normal silicone seal where the sides meet. I wish I had a digital camera to show you guys. So can someone tell me if I need to reseal this and if so how? I'm doing a leak test tonight. TIA.
it may have been used for rodents, had one the same way, go to the depot, they have aquarium safe silicon in a tube, may not be with all other sealants, you may have to search a bit,, then dry it out, and use a finger to spread it up the area to be sealed let it set for 3 days, the longer the better
I think it'd be a good idea to go ahead and re-seal it now, before you get it set up. That's a lot of age on the tank and silicone does break down after time, so the few dollars and hour of work you'd need to put into it would be much better than having it give out after it's up and running. And a lot less messy...;)
Yeah it didn't leak last night. It was used as a fish tank. I'll get some silicone and reseal it. Like you said better safe than sorry.
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