Do you name your fish?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 15, 2005
Memphis Tn
I was just wondering do any of you come up with crazy names for your fish? Some of my names for fish are Debo, Hider and Baby
Yep, I think most do if the fish display any personality.

Angels (3)

Sailfin - Cliff

Rams - Juan, Carlos, Pedro and Maria

Snail - Gary (meow)
I named my big severum "the first." My three kuhli loaches are "the three evils." My cories are called "snoop cats." My platies are called "crappies" cause my husband thinks they're crap fish. My baby parrot is called "frankenstein." My rams are "buffy" and "spike" My adf is called "dork monger" cause he's retarded when it comes to finding food. My Betta is called "carnival." My Gouramis are "frick" and "frack."

Now I will go hang my head in shame.......LOL
my kids name the fish, and they are usually really unique names LOL. The six zebra danios are, in no particular order, Speedy Bob, Speedy Bob's Wife, Speedy Bob's Brother, Uncle Speedy Bob, Grampa Speedy Bob and Nemo's Little Brother Speedy Bob. The angels are Mr & Mrs Blackie and Mr & Mrs Whitey. My daughter heard me saying the "science name" of the albino cory cats was "Corydoras" and immediately dubbed the pair Dora and Boots. The Betta's name is Fluffy, because he gets fluffy when he's excited...I thought it was a pretty unique observation. The plecos have been named variations of "smoochy" "slurpy" and other such kissy-names.

Funny story here, we had a friend over to dinner the other night, and he was fascinated with my community tank in the dining room (you can see it in the photo gallery if you care to). He asked me, in front of my 5 year old son Nathan, if I knew the names of all the fish, meaning their species.... as you can imagine, Nathan started rattling on "this one is Speedy Bob and this one is....." I laughed myself silly.

As for myself, I use "pet" names, no pun intended. I talk to the fish all the's ok, they don't answer. I call them honey and sweetie, my pregnant swords usually get mama love or something, no one name, just terms of endearment.
I named one fish, don't ask me why, but it was a dwarf gourami named Leopold. Don't otherwise name my fish, unless they have behavior problems, then I'll name them "The B****rd" or something like that. :wink:
Only a few of my fish have names. My oldest cory is named Harry. My betta's name is Max, and my bristlenose plec is Mrs. Hooper, originally Mr. Hooper but it never got any bristles so it must be a girl.
I did have two goldfish named Sid and Nancy.. nancy jumped out of the pond the other day.. so its just Sid =o(

I used to always name my Betta's some variation of "Ed" (ed, Eddie, Sir edward the 3rd etc etc)
LOL @ Jchillin having a snail named Gary. Really I'm crackin up at all of the names everybody has here.
We have always named our bettas, the first was Blue Velvet, he died after 3 years, next was Rainbow who died when my then 3 year old caught him to look at :cry: , now we have Sparky. One of my loaches developed a spot on him so now he is 'spot', original I know. We have a striped tetra named Yoda after my daughters grey striped tabby. My son named all the Danios 'Speed' and the pleco is just Sucker. The rest are no names.
Large Clarki Clown is Bubba
4- stripe damsel is Bar Code
(2) yellow damsels are Old Yeller and Heidi
Decorated Goby is Amtrack
(4) Green Chromis are known as the Collective

And last , but not least is my yellow tang named Instant
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