Does anyone have any experience with Goldfish tumous?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 10, 2011
Hi Everyone

My chocolate pom pom had a dark brown patch on her belly about 6 months ago, but as she is already chocolate brown, I just thought it was irregular colouring. But last week the patch has got darker and is now a raised lump about 1cm in length. I have tried Googling the description of the bump and nothing seems to match it exactly. It doesn't look like black spot or any of the tumors I can see online, but I can't think what else it might be.

I did have a very small ammonia spike (0.5)w hen I came back off holiday 1 month ago, but after a large water change it went back to normal. There have been no other water quality issues.

It might be a coincidence, but a couple of months ago my bronze ranchu lost an eye. I suspect it was during a feeding frenzy and it has healed normally but thought it was worth mentioning just in case.

I have done an Esha 2000 treatment as it is supposed to cover all eventualities (I can't use salt as I have a pleco) but there has been no change on the size of the lump. My pom pom is acting completely normally, eating and swimming well.

Can anyone give me any advice on what this might be? I will try and take a picture as I know this will certainly help with diagnosis.

Many thanks in advance.
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