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Grant R

Aquarium Advice FINatic
Oct 21, 2002
West London, England
The most amazing fish I've laid eyes on and hope to keep one day ?!
Well, I'm unsure of the scientific name, as when I went back to my local aquarium shop, the little fella had been sold.

I'm talking about a CowFish , green in colour and incredible looking ! Does anyone own one ? If so how are they to keep and are there any photos kicking about .. ?

Many thanks. 8)
i owned a cowfish once. they are very hardy. however the are not reef safe. they must be kept in a FOWLR tank. i found out they werent reef safe the hard way when it tryed to eat my long tentacle anenome about 2 yrs ago. it got stung and the anenome ate it. then the anenome died a week later. that was when i was just starting out.
michealprater said:
they must be kept in a FOWLR tank.

When you say FOWLR, you mean something along the lines of FreshWater ?

At my local aquarium place, they are kept in the Marine Fish section.

Sorry if I'm being slow !
Thanks fella !

When I start my Marine / Reef set-up , I'm looking to keep live rock / coral / plants anyway.

What are the biggest benefits of live rock ?
if you plan on keeping coral and a cowfish together, plan on having the cowfish much longer cause he will mow through your coral kinda like a cow grazing in the pasture. about the question on live rock. ill leave that to freek and runner. that answer could probably go on forever. so ill keep it short. if you want to keep a saltwater tank successfully, you have to have it. maybe use the search engine on the home page to search for "benifets of live rock". just a thought. :wink:
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