Does my platy look preggers to any one else?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 11, 2011
Hopkinsville, KY
I think I can see a bunch of little ball like dark spots in the belly.


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Yeah... she's been this way for about a week... and i slowed down the feedings to see if it was bloating... but when i started being able to see dark spots in her belly i figured it was pregnant. I'm just hoping it was by my male swordtail (passed away) and preggers from the stock tank i got her in 4 weeks ago. Ok so since I don't have an extra tank setup to isolate her in and to help the fry survive, what can I do to increase the mortality rate of all the new born im gonna have... so... breeding net, breeding box, or something else?
the way you will save the most fry is the breeding net if you do not have an extra tank set up. if you have lots of bushy plants/floating plants/ and low lying plants you will be able to save a decent amount as well but IME the breeding box or net saves the most fry

this method does stress out the mother though and if you put her in two early she could abort

maybe someone else will have a different suggestion though
the way you will save the most fry is the breeding net if you do not have an extra tank set up. if you have lots of bushy plants/floating plants/ and low lying plants you will be able to save a decent amount as well but IME the breeding box or net saves the most fry

this method does stress out the mother though and if you put her in two early she could abort

maybe someone else will have a different suggestion though
Yeah, the stress is unfortunate. It depends on how many fry you want to save though. I have never had a fish in a breeding box abort, but I have had a couple get really stressed and then get sick.
What other fish is she in with?
She's in with 2 Mollies (1 male, 1 female), 1 Neon Tetra, 1 Cory (i know, school lol), 1Cherry Barb, 1 Glofish

I know most of these are schooling fish. At one time most of them were in a school, albeit small. tank mates have died off tho and i'm not going to replace them till the tank is cycled. Yes, I'm upgrading. I have a 55 gal that i'm in the middle of cleaning. :D
Can anyone tell me how far along/how much longer before my platy has fry?


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Just an update... My Mickey mouse platy is now hanging out at the back and top of the aquarium. According to what I have read this is one common behavior before birthing. So hopefully I will have some fry within the next 24 hrs. She started this last night. Will post pics when it happens! :)
Any guess as to how far along she is?


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I'd say pretty close. She still looks rounded though. When she starts square-ing off, you will need to expect fry very soon. By squaring off I mean look like this \__/
yes, id say she is deffinatly ready to drop(give birth)! good luck!
Yay! There's going to be another birth around here! I love hearing about people have baby fish:) Post pictures, if you can, of the babies!
She is definitely getting there, but I would personally guess that she still has a little ways to go. Mine get pretty huge before they drop fry. However, it is hard to predict exactly.
Yeah it is. You can tell by the red dot called the gravid spot which is right behind the stomach. Eventually it will turn black because all the fry is developing eyes. So I say it's preggo!
Aww I'm sorry to hear that. It does happen tho. I had a Molly that didnt make it thru the process.

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