does this tank need co2?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 3, 2005
I am putting together a planted 55. For lighting I have a 130 watts of powercompacts. I never thought this tank would need co2 but I read something that made me wonder if it would. I do not want it and would like to do without it if I can. I would like to hear your opinions on this.
Thanks, Chris
Hi secret agent,

Well with power compacts u should aim for between 0.3 and 0.7 watts per litre
or 1.5 to 3 wpg. and u have around 2.4. its not recommended IMHO to go over 1.5wpg of powercompact lighting if ur not using co2 as algae might take over.

So for your case i would suggest yes u get urself a c02 kit :D
You'll want CO2 at that level. Anything over 2wpg pretty much requires CO2. Even at 1.5wpg CO2 can make a difference in plant growth and stunting algae.
Not at all. The PC's are just smaller and more concentrated but the same amount of lumens are produced. 130w/55 gal tank = 2.36wpg.

I would love to be able to get my hands on 130 watts of NO.
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