Dojo Loach Cloudy Eyes?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 28, 2014
New York, USA
My 1 and a half year old golden dojo has an eye slightly clouded and I'm unsure as to why. I first noticed it after I added him to a new 55g last night, and am worried it is a sign of something bigger?


My questions are obviously what is this and can it be treated. I've never had this happen before. Prior to being in the 55g the loach was in a 20g tank while I waited for the sand I use to arrive. I did a major cleanout in the 55g due to previous cycling problems and waste buildup in the gravel. Before adding fish to the new 55g I added a bottle of TetraTetra Safe Start Plus and waited about 5 minutes for it to clear.

55g Freshwater
Pool Filter Sand bottom
Live plants (moneywort, bamboo, red ludwigia, Java fern)
Temperature is kept around 76 F

Golden Dojo
Female angel
Kuhli Loach
Peacock Eel


Ammonia: .50 ppm
pH: 7.4
Nitrates: 0 ppm
Nitrites: 0 ppm
Your problem lies in water quality. 0.50ppm is toxic. Also going to guess this tank is not cycled.

Do some water changes to keep ammonia as low as possible.

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