If you don't have a test kit for testing Ammonia, NitrItes and NitrAtes then I'd suggest getting one to keep tabs on how the cycle is doing.
Basically, just setup the tank like any other. Substrate, plants (fake or otherwise), and fill it with tap water. You'll need a dechlorinator (I'd recommend Prime from Seachem) to add to the water.
Over this time you'll need something that can add ammonia to the tank. If you can get pure ammonia you can add that directly, but a lot of store bought ammonia has perfumes added that will mess up a tank. Adding fish food will slowly bring about ammonia to a tank tho too. Read up on fishless tank cycling, as it's the route I would go.
Let the tank sit for 3-4 weeks (or sooner if you get old filter media) and once the tank finishes cycling its ready for fish.
If you know anyone with a freshwater tank, you can get old filter media from them that will have the bacteria you need and cycle the tank a lot faster.
edit: I know some goldfish can grow pretty large so you'd have to check on it's adult size to verify. Rule of thumb tends to be 1 inch per gallon.