Doug's 250, now 300, in wall build

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Your tank has come a long way... Love the little room behind the tank for maintenance etc i wish i had one !! ,how long is your tank ? Love the monti too
This display is 8 feet long. I was toying around with the idea of putting some sort of back ground on the tank, but I find myself looking through the back pane almost as much as the front. Eventually, I'll probably construct some sort of removable panel. maybe a dark curtain.
This display is 8 feet long. I was toying around with the idea of putting some sort of back ground on the tank, but I find myself looking through the back pane almost as much as the front. Eventually, I'll probably construct some sort of removable panel. maybe a dark curtain.

What about a piece of one way mirror? That'd be pretty cool don't know how that may effect the lighting though with possible hotspots.
Well, I would imagine the fish would be attacking their reflections all day long. I just had 2 yellow tangs and even in a 300 gallon tank, one tormented the other.
LOL..they will be going in the trash if I ever get the wall done. I plan a stone wall with a small piece of slate or granite just below the tank for a bar, to put 3 nice, new stools up against. those rickety junkers you see came with the house.
LOL..they will be going in the trash if I ever get the wall done. I plan a stone wall with a small piece of slate or granite just below the tank for a bar, to put 3 nice, new stools up against. those rickety junkers you see came with the house.

Nice plan!!! I love stone and slate. I put slate around my fireplace a few years ago. :) I've done a lot of tile work around our house. I'm nearly a pro with a wetsaw!! Lol Junkers or not, the chairs give you the perfect height to sit and stare at the tank!! :)
I noticed a file fish in there. I was thinking of getting one for my aptasia problem. Does it bother your coral?
Everytime i look at this tank my wife comes over and says NO!! Lol. I want a tank this size or bigger so bad. I love your setup you have there doug. Your knowledge has answered many questions that ive had and i just want to say thank you, youve been a huge help to me and im sure many others.
Your welcome Cichlid-dude. It's really my pleasure.

As for the file, I ordered one for a friend of mine a few years ago and even though they were supposed to both be acreichthys tomentosus, his grew to 5" and mine stayed about 3". His turned a greenish, and mine stayed brown. His didn't bother a single coral, and mine eats LPS on occasion.
I can easily scoop this guy out of the tank if I wanted because he sleeps at the very top of the tank behind the mag float, but I feel that the amount of coral he eats is not a big deal, and it grows back pretty quickly. he will not eat flake food. He eats nori off of the clip and my chopped fish mixture.
I can say that I don't see a single aptasia though. I'm sure I would have some if this guy wasn't in the tank because I got a lot of my rock from reefers getting out of the hobby. One of which, did everything wrong. Some of his rock that's still in the sump has aptasia all over it.
If asked if I would buy this fish again, the answer would be yes. Very interesting fish. Everyone comments on it.
Thanks for the information. I thought he looked neat and from my reading, much easier to care for than a copperband. I just didn't know anyone who had one.
At first he was a bit difficult to get eating. I almost forgot about that. I had to buy live blackworms and he ate them like spaghetti. He's definitely a predator. He reminds me of a chameleon, with his independently moving eyes searching the rock for.....something. Pods or aptasia, or both.
Mr_X, this is an amazing project!!! I have wanted to do this exact same thing for many many years. One day I'll hit the powerball and your reality will cease to be my dream! Well done.
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