Driftwood with Scum

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 25, 2003
Flushing, MI
I have a 6 gal Fluval Edge fish tank that has been running for 10 days. I have a Betta in there with a Cory Catfish. I bought some driftwood from Petsmart and after soaking it for 4-5 days I put it in. Now there seems to be a scum layer forming. Any suggestions?

Thanks for the reply. It is a whiteish scum about 3mm think that is growing on the driftwood.
It is normal on most pieces of driftwood but if you have grapewood then it is an indicator that the wood is rotting. Only reason I say this is because I bought a piece of driftwood at Petco or smart, one of the big chains... boiled it and soaked it for weeks. Added it to my tank and about a week later it started to break apart and foul up my water. Just a FYI.
I've had this snot scum on driftwood as well so I removed it from my tank right away. Mine grew overnight and it was a thick, flowy mass of the stuff. Why is that common / what is it? How do you get rid of that because it looks awful.
My Malaysian driftwood had 'the scum' for a few weeks after I put it in my tank. It went away on its own, unlike the grapewood which only got worse.
Yep.. I had it also.
Took about 1 to 2 months, but eventually went away. Fish were nibbling at it and never grew back.
Looks bad, feels bad.. no clue what it is.. or was.
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